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by teamUK
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in The blog.co.uk Blog

295 days old

Hi everyone,we are carrying out some maintenance work on our IT systems, if over the next few days you notice any feature not working as expected, please leave a comment here explaining the issue…. more

Why is this still posted as current? it does not say much for blog’s I.T systems.

You will also find guidance on the handling of spam on the same page; not using the same lingo as in a post etc. I wonder if that is a permanent note; it is certainly without substance. You’ve only got to look at the main page to see just how infected the blog site is with highly dubious spam advertisements which, should be filtered by the system, and are not. There is a moral turpitude by the administrators.

0 thoughts on “JUST SPOTTED THIS

  1. I had a recent email exchange with the team, and they seem unable to deal with the spam. I pointed out that we did not have this trouble with any other blog platform. I did not get an answer. All very unsatisfactory.

  2. Hi Gillyk,

    I saw some of your interaction with the BCUK team. I looked at blog.fr this week then back at UK, apart from language and cultural differences, they were both littered equally with spam. It appears that there has been a commercial decision made to allow the blog sites this company have to become platforms for rubbish and dubious postings. Both sites look like trash dumps.

  3. Hello Munzly,

    Lovely to hear from you.

    That is unbelievable!! If Blog are as tech savvy as one might expect, they could either fix it, or delegate the I.T matter to be fixed. Anyone with basic internet computer ‘science’ skills, from about the age of six could hack it and override a memorable password if one is required. It all sounds dubious. It raises questions about the business and its management.

    The issue is extant on all Blog’s platforms.

  4. I suspect it was not passed on by the previous owners and the current owners are still trying to get it! – but who knows, they don’t seem interested in us….. 😦

  5. I agree, Blog are disinterested in bloggers.

    I understand from a fellow blogger abroad, that for each bit of trash ‘published’ on Blog platforms, they get royalties. That being so, there is no incentive for Blog to filter, find key passwords to filters, if, indeed, they are lost. Why bother to change things!

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